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Creating our energy future

Use natural gas? Meet the NGTL System

NGTL系统可以是一个气体分子从东北B移动的开始.C. to Mexico City. Is the NGTL System a part of your life?



What is the NGTL System?

In Canada, 除了较小的天然气来源外,我们还有一个非常大的天然气来源,即加拿大西部沉积盆地(WCSB). The NGTL System is a 25,000 km (15,000英里的管道系统主要位于阿尔伯塔省和加拿大东北部.C. 它与其他管道系统相连,将天然气输送到北美各地. According to the Canadian Gas Association, 天然气通过供热和供电满足了加拿大35%的能源需求.



In Canada, 技术投资和负责任的资源开发方法使NGTL系统运输的天然气成为世界上最环保的能源之一. And, 我们的NGTL扩建项目是用最先进的技术设计和建造的, including efficiency improvements, 减少燃料的使用和限制我们对环境的影响,以帮助达到或超过监管排放目标. 这种能源开发方法仍然是加拿大政府减少温室气体排放政策的重点.


Who uses the gas from the NGTL System?

The NGTL System may be located in Alberta and northeast B.C., 但通过与其他管道系统的连接,它是每天向数百万北美人输送能源的关键部分. In fact, 北美每四个天然气分子中就有一个来自TC能源的天然气基础设施, including gas sourced from the WCSB. With recent additions to our TC Energy pipeline infrastructure, 我们现在可以把一分子天然气从NGTL系统运到墨西哥城, 与北美其他能源公司相比,它连接了整个大陆.


How will the NGTL System meet growing demand for natural gas?

The NGTL System currently has a $9.9 billion infrastructure program underway to add 3.5Bcf/d of incremental delivery capacity between 2020 to 2024. 这种额外的产能将有助于满足北美和全球市场日益增长的天然气需求, including the potential to supply LNG export facilities in Canada.

Key facts

25,000 km (15,000-mile) natural gas pipeline system

Natural gas meets 35% of Canada’s energy needs through heat and power

NGTL delivers natural gas to millions of North Americans 

$9.9 billion infrastructure program underway